
Race: Hyur Midlander ♂
Birthplace: Eastern Thanalan
Birthday: 32nd Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (06/30)
Guardian: Menphina, the Lover
Age: 24
Height: 172cm
Together with his husband, Jaku Arkwright, they comprise the Duo of Light.


Morgan is friendly, kindhearted and overall pleasant to be around. He is compassionate towards others and is modest to a fault despite his status as a hero. He has an inquisitive nature that allows him to enjoy acquiring new knowledge, resulting in him delighting in reading books of different genres as well as conversing with people from all walks of life.Despite his willingness to lend an ear however, he never talks about himself. He is reticent when it comes to his personal affairs and prefers to handle his problems on his own rather than ask others for help. The determination for self-reliance sprouts from never wanting to be a burden on anyone—this, however, gets him an earful from his closest comrades. Because of his tendency to be secretive, he does not readily open up to others and only ever chooses to express his feelings in the presence of those he truly trusts.


Primary: Red Mage
He was born with a propensity for aether manipulation and spellcraft. He initially decided to pursue Thaumaturgy when he first became an adventurer, subsequently becoming a Black Mage for a short time, but he eventually took up the rapier instead and became a Red Mage; it was an opportunity to become a well-rounded fighter that excelled in both martial and magic prowess. He imbues his rapier with ice-aspected aether (a little something he picked up during his time as a Black Mage) to make his spellcasting more efficient in combat.
Secondary: Astrologian / Dark Knight
The desire to become a well-rounded fighter has led Morgan to take up other jobs, one that focused on healing and another that focused on defending: Astrologian and Dark Knight.
He's a talented baker who enjoys making pastries and trying out new recipes. He picked up the interest during his younger years when he and his mother would bake together.



  • Traveling and discovering new things

  • Cooking and baking (especially baking breads and pastries)

  • Culinary adventures

  • The ocean

  • Reading books


  • Zenos

  • Attention (which is unfortunately an occupational hazard)

  • Lightning (fear)

  • Wasted food

  • Getting lost

  • His laterality is left but he is ambidextrous.

  • He is self-conscious about his freckles and his legs, as well as his dancing. Despite having a knack for it, he is uncomfortable performing in front of people.

  • He has a bad sense of direction. He carries a compass that his mother gave him and he was taught how to read the stars by his father.

  • He carries a journal with him when he travels and often writes his experiences in it.

  • He has a habit of picking up things that he finds interesting, like flowers with striking colors or odd-shaped leaves, as a memorabilia of his adventures.

  • He owns a bakery that operates beside the orphanage he and Jaku run, and gives the children freshly baked goods as treats. A second branch of his bakery operates in Ishgard, making his visits there rather frequent. The mascot is a Paissa Patissier.

  • An Alkonost followed Morgan home after rendering them aid on one of his adventures. Despite Morgan's attempts to dissuade the animal from following, they did not relent. They now resides with him in his home. Her name is Trachyrael.

Hyur / Midlander / ♀

Viera / Veena / ♂


Morgan Arkwright is the son of Solmund Arkwright, a Sharlayan scholar, and Freya Farrar-Arkwright, a former adventurer. Before having their son, the couple traveled around for quite some time, learning more about the realm and each other before finally deciding to settle down in Eastern Thanalan. The alluring mystery of the Burning Wall was too much of a temptation for Solmund to pass up; Freya didn't quite understand whenever he would blather on about "unearthing a plethora of aetherical wonders," but his enthusiasm was quite infectious and before long she found herself excited for him as well.Even as a child, Morgan was already a curious one. He frequently ventured out of the town to explore for fun, making his parents worry to no end. Freya was convinced that he got this trait from his father, to which Solmund countered that he got his thirst for adventure from his mother. He would often come back home covered in dirt or with a few scratches here and there, but otherwise still in one piece; he would even show his parents the "treasures" he found that day, accompanied by stories of how he acquired them.Their family was a modest but happy one—a home filled with shared stories and laughter. They lived peacefully for years, but little did they know that their days together were numbered as the twinkling red star in the night sky became ever brighter—and ever closer.It was during the start of the 7th Umbral Calamity that Morgan had his life turned upside down. As Dalamud steadily made its descent monsters began running rampant and causing havoc in cities. It was truly an unfortunate time for Morgan and his parents to be visiting Ul'dah at the time as they ended up entangled in the ensuing chaos. He managed to escape with his life but only because his parents fought to protect him, losing their lives so that their son could live to see another day. And although his life was spared, he did not come out unscathed: his left eye was scarred and so was his heart. He carried the anger and the guilt with him for a long time, gnawing at him from the inside as he blamed himself for his parents' deaths. He might have continued to do so too had his aunt not taken him in. It was thanks to her guidance and support that Morgan was able to get back on his feet once again, and through her mentoring he learned how to fight in order to defend himself as well as others should the need arise.Five years after the incident, Morgan traveled to Ul'dah in hopes of finding work as a gatherer, as a way to make coin while being able to travel while learning more about the realm. His interest was sparked when he had heard from his father's tales about his homeland Sharlayan and the many gleaners tasked to travel to different parts of the star collecting samples, observing specimens and whatnot. Things didn't go as planned however, one odd job leading to another and eventually landing him to where he is now as an adventurer.


Solmund Arkwright, father
A Sharlayan scholar who left his homeland to travel around the realm in search of knowledge beyond books. Initially having a naïve and somewhat pompous nature, he soon learned to become more sociable after meeting his wife, Freya, who teased him quite a bit for it. He amassed a collection of different tomes of varying subjects from his travels, and Morgan would at times open them up as a child despite not understanding most of what was written in them. Solmund would read passages to his son whenever he insisted, although more often than not Morgan would fall asleep whenever he did.
Freya Farrar-Arkwright, mother
A former adventurer skilled in dance and combat combined, as well as the younger sister of Hilda. She could be cheeky and stubborn at times but underneath it all she was a kind and caring woman. She took it upon herself to learn how to cook because her husband insisted that Archon loaf was good; she felt it was her mission to open his eyes to the culinary delights the realm had to offer. Morgan would watch her at times whenever she prepared meals, piquing his interest until eventually he started helping her out around the kitchen; Freya was more than relieved to know that her son took after her taste in food.
Hilda Farrar, aunt
A former adventurer who once traveled with her sister Freya. Hilda took it upon herself to become Morgan's guardian after the tragedy left him orphaned; she felt responsible for not being there when they needed help the most. She chose to continue the adventuring life even after Morgan was born and as a result was hardly present in his life when he was growing up. Things weren't smooth sailing when she first took him in, but as time passed they became closer as a family—Morgan was grateful that she came for him when he had no one else. They remain close to this day, with Morgan regaling his tales of adventures to her through his letters whenever he is unable to visit...although admittedly she doesn't require a retelling considering how fast stories about him and his deeds spread, but it is nice to hear from him nonetheless.
Jaku Arkwright, husband
A colleague turned lover, his fellow Warrior of Light, and his most trusted companion. Their relationship slowly blossomed into romance through the course of their long journey together, eventually becoming eternally bonded to each other. Jaku remained ever the busybody, his time mostly occupied with running both his textile business and the orphanage at the same time. Morgan would sometimes force his husband to take breaks whenever he felt he was pushing himself too hard, bringing him tea and pastries to help him relax while they chat about all things under the sun.
They have three adoptive children who also help with running the orphanage: Iric Mylksch Arkwright, Lily Arkwright and Violet Arkwright.Gale L'Ocean, leader
A professional con-man and the respected leader of the Free Company that Morgan joined: Tomato. He recruited Morgan to join his free company in a very convincing way that he couldn't possibly say no. Nevertheless it was a decision Morgan didn't regret making, eventually becoming good friends with Gale (even jokingly calling him dad) while also meeting fellow adventurers that he has come to trust, including his now husband Jaku. Morgan is probably one of the few members of the Free Company that genuinely enjoys eating tomatoes with Gale.
Aymeric de Borel, friend
A former love interest who eventually became one of his closest friends. He was initially wary of Aymeric upon their first meeting, but the more he learned about him the more enamored he became, eventually falling for him. Sadly, Morgan realized soon enough that they could not be anything more than comrades, seeing as how Aymeric was simply too busy sorting out Ishgard's affairs to have time for any sort of romantic relations. Though his feelings for him have waned over time, Morgan knows he can always trust Aymeric with anything, and vice versa. He returns to Ishgard from time to time to share a glass of wine or two with him, simply catching up with each other while at the same time giving the Lord Speaker a small reprieve from his work. Aymeric remains unaware of the fact that Morgan used to have feelings for him.
Haurchefant Greystone, friend
An unexpected friendship borne from unfortunate circumstances. Haurchefant helped Morgan in more ways than he could ever have imagined, from giving him shelter when he had nowhere to go, to giving him the strength to push forward despite the odds. It was thanks to him and the hospitality of House Fortemps that Morgan was able to call Ishgard his second home. The two became close during his stay there, with Haurchefant becoming one of the few people he would confide in. Morgan blamed himself for his friend's death for a while, being reminded of his own past when his parents gave their lives to save his. To this day, he would visit his friend's grave and tell him stories from his adventures.